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Friday, June 27, 2008

Merentas Desa

My first Merentas Desa. lmao. Fun. Christine and I were walking together. I became entertainment, singing...lmao!! I loved today. But, there is a sad part.... T_T!!! My TVXQ calander got taken away by Pn. Raja Faziatul *wails*!! That evil witch. But, it all started with Joanne!! She had to be the loudest girl in the world. Here is what I remember:

I was listening to Christine's MP4. Suddenly, Pn. Faziatul came up. I quickly hid it. Frauline took my bag, searching for something to do. Found Ai-Vee's Unfortunate Events book and saw the calander I used as a bookmark.

Frauline: I wanna borrow!!
Me: NO!! It's not minee!
Frauline: Who's is it?
Me: Ai-vee's.
Frauline: oh.

I take the calander and put it on my lap being careful not to put the TVXQ pic on top so it's not visible. Christine then takes it, examines it, and wants to give it back to me. But, Joanne, gigantic busy body, took it and was shouting:

Joanne: JAS ARH!~~ I SEEE ARH!!!
Me: NO!!!!!
Joanne: WHY!!!!!???
Me: Give it back.. NOW!!
Joanne: I SEEE ARH!!

Pn. Raja Faziatul swooped in the scene and just took it. I just looked at her walk away with MY calander!! T_T!! And Yoochun was so hot in that too! Yunho had his old spikey hairstyle....*sob* I saw her take a camera or two from a pack of boys next to us. Then, she took a note book from sombody. Don't know who. She just took everything in sight that is not about food! I'm like going. =O... Then, a few mins later, she gives back the cameras. ONLY!! The book and MY calander was still in her hands. Christine was too busy trying to ask me where she can get one for my birthday. I felt like crying... My eyes were actually filled with tears. Still are.

So, yeah. That's the sad story for today. *starts to cry* Screams: AJJUMA!!! PLEASE GIVE ME BACK MY STUFFF~ IT'S ONLY MERENTAS DESA!!!!!!!!

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