I hate Jasvin. He says he's gonna give me a call at 12am. I swear. If he does do that, I'll just hang up. Maybe put my phone on silent for a little while. Hui Wen wants to SMS me bulak. Aigooo~ Anyway, my oral was today. When I looked at teacher, she was like STARING at me smiling from ear to ear. I was wondering, am I THAT good?! Cramed the night before, hence, the no updating. lol. Ahh~ Finished all my projects. BM oral is the only one left. AND Hui Wen said that if I get angry tomorrow, she's gonna beat me up.=.=.
OMO. Like, a LOT of people are going to give me TVXQ stuff!! Seriously!! Khalisah just rang me and said 'I just bought a poster for you and this TVXQ thing that is REALLY expensive. I hate you.' I should have left out the I hate you part huh? Anyway, Joanne and Yenteng are telling me that Frauline is giving me a TVXQ Album! Aweeesomeee!! Joanne, another one, wants to give me a TVXQ present. Leaks of what is it has not come to me yet. lmao.
Finally, a shocker.
Sun Jun 15 2008, 01:00 by NewsGoddess
Just an info from oppas china fan website. Which i think this should spread all over the world as long as there is cassiopeia. Please don't be too worry. Just like one of the china cassiopeia said when he/she provided this info. We don't know whether this is true or not. So i just post this at here for everyone to read.. i will translate the message. According to this cassiopeia said, this info is from a korea cassiopeia.
神 起 将 会 推 出 第 四 张 韩 语 专 辑。 这 张 专 辑 也 是 关 乎 神 起 是 否 能 越 过 SM 五 年 魔 咒 的 专 辑, 据 韩 国 仙 后 说, 这 张 专 辑 的 销 售 量 如 果 不 能 超 越 super junior 的 专 辑, 神 起 就 会 面 临 解 散 的 恶 运。 现 在 的 SM 经 常 在 试 图 解 散 神 起。 他 们 在 找 理 由 让 神 起 走 不 下 去。 因 为 他 们 想 捧 红 super junior 和 少 女 时 代, 但 由 于 仙 后 太 多 而 造 成super junior 和 少 女 时 代 无 法 立 足。 所 以,仙 后, 现 在 是 我 们 团 结 的 时 候 了! 明 年 专 辑 的 销 售 量 关 系 神 起 的 命 运! 请 传 达 给 所 有 仙 后 知 道, 明 年 的 专 辑 无 论 如 何 都 要 支 持! 最 重 要 的 是, 现 在 这 通 知 不 只 在 中 国, 甚 至 韩 国, 大 马 都 开 始 在 传 达 这 信 息 了! 请 仙 后 们 多 多 合 作! 爱 他 们 就 请 支 持 他 们!这个是从我的韩国朋友那听来的虽说不知道是不是真的,但是 宁可信其有不可信其无啊!仙后们!该是我们行动的时候了
TVXQ will release their 4th korea album soon. Whether they will overcome this five years curse(means five years of releasing album as a group, i guess), depends on this album. IF their album selling result is not more than Super Junior album selling result, they will have to face this curse, which means have to disband. In the first place SM wanna train and promote Super Junior and Girls Generation into a very popular group, as cassiopeia is such a big fanclub, that makes it more difficult.(Think that is what the message means). So, cassiopeia, it's time to be united. Next year album selling result will affect TVXQ fate. Please spread this news to all the Cassiopeia that no matter what, next year album we must support. This have spead not only on korea, but also in china and malaysia. Hope all cassiopeia cooperate. Love them, must support them.
Credits to: 东方神起--仙后家族 foreverTVfXQ(CYWORLD)
Source: xietinloveshero.blogspot.com
Omo! Omo!! Saranghae Oppa!! I'm SO buying it next year!! Even if it means I have to go to the store at 2am and sit outside and wait!![Die hard fan speaking. But, I don't think that's necesarry] I hope it's not too expensive.
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