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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Top 10 guys for ME to marry!

I finally got enough guys to make Top 10!! XD Here it is along with reasons why:

1. Yunho!!

He's obviously hot!! Jaejoong even admitted that he is a TYPICAL HANDSOME GUY! And, I like typical handsome guys, especially, those who can sing, dance, joke like a GOD and has a voice that makes me wanna faint... I feel like screaming my head off just talking about him!! *scream* done.
2. Yoochun
Hot, sexy, awesome voice, speaks English... HAWT!! Oh, and he's sweet to DEATH!!
3. Jaejoong, Junsu, Changmin
I couldn't figure out who would be first, second or third, so.... I put them all in one. XD I love them all EQUALLY cause they all have so many AWESOME ups and NO downs I can think of that I care about^^
4. Taemin
Cutest EVER!! And, he's like... DANCING GOD NO. 2!! I'm some how attracted to that. XD His voice is AWESOME and HE'S JUST 2 YEARS OLDER THAN ME!! HALLELUJAH!!
5. Hiro
Hot, protective, loves his lover, romantic [in a way]totally THE best boyfriend a girl could ever have!! Problem, the boy is following a script. >.<>
6. Eunhyuk
RAPPER!! BFF of Xiah Junsu! TOTALLY CUTE~~~ No need for more words. lmao!
7. Heechul
Looks like a girl. So... pretty. Have to admit, prettier than me! XD [Sorry if you think I'm perasan]
8. Lee Hong Gi
I just like him for his looks. He's just too cute! Never really heard any F.T. Island songs before, so please tell me the URL for those F.T. Island fans out there reading this okay? I would go look for it myself... But, I'm kinda lazy XD
9. Sungmin
Cutie! of Super Junior!! His voice is seriously cute too!!
10. Joe Jonas

Hotness of America. Last why? Cause, he's not as cute as the ones above... [preferably, YUNHO] No offense to true Joe Jonas fans!

Sorries for posting this kinda late. Didn't have time to finish it. XD

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