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Hie! It's Harumi, Jasmine, WeiLi (Grace). Thank you for visiting^^
We give out as much 둥방신기 news as our fingers can go everyday. All we'd like you to do is stop by every once in a while to see them and leave a message on the CBox.
While you're here, you have to [unfortuantely] follow a couple of rules:

1.If you wanna take out our news/pictures or anything else posted here, please take out with FULL CREDITS.

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The forum has been made some time ago.
Hope u guys did visit it and make new friends ard^^
There are games and activities going on in the forum so DO NOT stop going in and check them out!
We are still recuiting people to help in the forum!

Please email us with what your desired position will be, and what qualifications you may have.
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Please join, and lend us a hand! We'd really appreciate it!
-Thank you for co-operating! XD Enjoy~

Saturday, October 11, 2008

TVXQ-fied day

I just have to share this with everyone. Today, went to KLCC, searching the entire Kinokuniya for a little hint of TVXQ/SM ENT. Nothing. All I got was a manga I was looking for for 2-3 months in borders. Anyhoo, went to Video Ezy. Prayed for Mirotic. Nothing. Only TVXQ album they have there is Doushite. 2nd time I saw it on the racks in Malaysia. Then, went looking for Tower of Records [the last time I visited KLCC, there was Tower of Records, that's how out dated I am.]. Realized that it was gone. >.<

Then, just came back from dinner with my family. While I was reading my newly bought manga, I realized that my cousin's hair is just like Junsu's, my uncle is wearing a beanie like Yoochun. Okay, Yoosu much? Then, turned the page, 2 gays were screaming about Bae Yong-Jun, remembered that somebody said that Yunho looked like him. Then, food came, put my bookmark, it was a Jae bookmark. wth. I was thinking, all I'm missing is Minnie. LOL, then, I realized that I was eating alot, I'M MINNIE!

So Yu Jin Inkigayo FM
*click to enlarge*


first pic: So Yoojin's FM radio with Dongbangshingi.
second pic: Choikang Changmin's disgraced picture.
leadahjung; i think changmin is the most .. most innocent and pure member ...
jaejoong; hello? ch-changmin's about to turn into hulk.
third pic: an unexpected happening at the place of filmage (Xiah Junsu):
Nuna, instead of my abs, i'll replace it with my sexy(/hot) butt.
fourth pic: putting a lot of efforts. autographing the cds.
last pic: even at the top of the ladder, dbsk never loses their anxiety(/humilty/humbleness).. they organized the scripts into one pile and drinks into another.
Source: 활짝핀노예@DNBN + clicheterms + fangirlmitz
Trans on the pictures by: wondergirl_jen

OMG. I'm like. Yoosu... Kill me.... Yoosu overdose man..... I NEED JAEHO QUICK!!



Credits: astrosexxy and jean7 @soompi+SHINee thread + TVXQbaidu + yunho-sshi + fangirlmitz

Living proof Jae's the umma
*click to enlarge*

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