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Saturday, November 8, 2008

KBS Music Bank

They were actually on KBS Music Bank! AGAIN! wheee~ But, it might take till next month till I can finally watch them get the NO.1 SPOT! HAHA!! THEY BROKE THE WONDER GIRLS RECORD ON MUSIC BANK!!! *bleh* And just to prove it:

Nobody (Wonder Girl)
Record 1775 points
3460 points, the audience rating
6355 points digital music
= 11590 points total

Order-MIROTIC (Dong Bang Shin Ki)
10648 points record
Audience rating points, 3287
2468 points digital music
= 16403 points total

Love in the Ice (Dong Bang Shin Ki)
10648 points record
2273 points, the audience rating
Digital music 284 points
= 13205 points total

NEWS is OUT!~ DBSK wins the integrated October month charts as NUMBER 1!!!~
[Rough trans] Dong Bang Shin Ki won the throne in October integrated chart.

Album title song of the 4th DBSK 'order-MIROTIC' aired in KBS Music Bank on the 7th of November won the integrated K-chart October. Wonder Girls took second place.

No. 1 candidates Wonder Girls' Nobody and Dong Bang Shin Ki's Love in the Ice took a lot of attention. Two candidate songs on DBSK's album took the top spot, both Love in the Ice and MIROTIC.

As DBSK holds the trophy, they thank the love of Cassiopeia, their managers and their staff.

Source: MyDaily
Trans by: westkitsune@fangirlmitz
Pic&Scores credit: 촹촹하고화샤하게@DNBN

HAH!! WONDER GIRLS DIDN'T EVEN HAVE A CHANCE!!!! BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~~~~ WONDER GIRLS NEVER HAD 2 SONGS ON THE CHARTS FOR NO.1 SPOT!! [i don't think anybody ever did. But, nevermind. I'm trying to show my cousin that DBSK is way better than WONDER GIRLS BUAAHAHAHAHAHAH~ *evil*]


credit: as tagged + DNBN + fangirlmitz


credit: farahmicky@YT + bestiz + fangirlmitz

credit: redberry94@YT+fangirlmitz

Click here to see DBSK BEAT WONDER GIRLS!!

Now, vote!
Okay, suddenly gone off topic. This for voting DBSK as best artist in NTV BEST ARTIST.


So in Japan, the television network NTV will have its annual "NTV Best Artist", a live concert featuring 20-30 of the "best" artists of the year, on December 16th. You can vote for the artists of your choice on their website, and those with the most votes have a chance to perform. (Not familiar with the show? If you want to get a feel for the show format, size of crowd, type/size of stage, etc. you can watch a bit of last year's show here.)

It would be nice to see the guys perform here. 2008 has been a pretty good year for Tohoshinki, don't you think?
Anyway, these kind of year end shows attract a lot of viewers and promotion is always good........

- - - - -

HOW TO VOTE >> click on the red button

Q1: Three artists/groups that you think represent the J-music world (three different ones, do not type in the same group/artist in more than one field).

Q2: A memorable/favourite song of an artist you mentioned in Q1 (remember to mention both the group/artist and the song name!) and if you wish, the memories you have about the song.

Q3: A question you'd like to ask someone you mentioned in Q1 (remember to mention the group/artist).

Q4: Three different groups/artists that are "in"/rising right now.

Q5: A collaboration you'd like to see

Write your name, choose your age group and gender (男 = male 女 = female), and click either submit (the button on the left) or reset (the button on the right).

Credits: aleyna @ JpopMusic Forums (credit this person and ONLY this person if you take the above translation out)

Quick tip
Just to make sure your vote isn't disqualified, use the kanji-forms of artist and song names unless they're already in English to begin with (for example - Tohoshinki = 東方神起, but EXILE is still EXILE)

Re Q2 - FYI, Jumon-MIROTIC is spelled 呪文-Mirotic in Japanese.XDD make sure you vote for that kay?

Re: Q3 - If you can't write it in Japanese, try to write some sort of short, easily understandable question in English. E.g. 東方神起に: What do you want for Christmas?

Re: Q5 - 東方神起 + the other artist of the collab. There's a better chance of it actually happening if you put something realistic. E.g. ゴスペラーズ (Gospellers), 倖田來未 (Koda Kumi), EXILE, Perfume, etc.

credit: quirky_love@lj + xietinloveshero + jtxylovestvxq

MIROTIC Dance ver.
OMG, like, after the rap and the COME ON COME ON part, the cameraman zoom in zoom out zoom in zoom out etc. WAHHH!! can see Yoochun stomach... hehe~ XD I like the part after the rap where Yoochun goes under Yunho... somehow, it strikes me as, HAWT. XDD

Or, click here for HQ

credit: mickytoho +

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