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Hie! It's Harumi, Jasmine, WeiLi (Grace). Thank you for visiting^^
We give out as much 둥방신기 news as our fingers can go everyday. All we'd like you to do is stop by every once in a while to see them and leave a message on the CBox.
While you're here, you have to [unfortuantely] follow a couple of rules:

1.If you wanna take out our news/pictures or anything else posted here, please take out with FULL CREDITS.

2.Please Do not Hotlink!. [so far we have no problems on that, but, just a reminder. ^^]
Also, we're needing help nowadays. If you're willing to help we shall respect you forevermore, please send these details to entitled 'Applying for Co-Author':

Speciality: Photoshopping? Sharing? Videos? Translating?
Others: [Anything else you'd like us to know.]


The forum has been made some time ago.
Hope u guys did visit it and make new friends ard^^
There are games and activities going on in the forum so DO NOT stop going in and check them out!
We are still recuiting people to help in the forum!

Please email us with what your desired position will be, and what qualifications you may have.
You can use the same form as if you were applying for Co-Author.

Please join, and lend us a hand! We'd really appreciate it!
-Thank you for co-operating! XD Enjoy~

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Wrong Number MV COMING UP!!! WHEEE~

동방신기 후속곡 wrong number M/V 촬영 장소 파주 브띠끄호텔 M

오늘 10월 29일 새벽 1시부터 저희 브띠끄호텔 M 중앙 통로에서 후속곡 뮤직 비디오 촬영이 있었네요 ^^

영광스럽게도 동방신기 다섯분 유노윤호, 시아준수, 믹키유천, 최강창민, 영웅재중님의

멋진 후속곡 촬영모습 잘 보았습니다.

제아들은 위한 다섯분의 싸인 또한 너무 감사 드립니다.^^

뮤직비디오 후속곡 wrong number

노래가 참 좋네요...^^

멋진 춤과 안무가 어우러 졌던곳 바로 이곳 입니다 ^^

아주 멋지지요? ^^

이곳에서 다섯분 및 백댄서 분들 이하 5~60명 정도의

스텝분들과 함께 새벽 6시까지 고생하시는 모습에

몇분짜리의 뮤직비디오가 그냥 만들어 지는것이 아니구나...라는 생각이 들었습니다.

또한 먼 지방에서 택시까지 대절하시고 올라오신 동방신기 펜 여러분들까지...

밤새 고생 하셨습니다 ^^

동 방 신 기 화이팅!!

wrong number 화이팅!!


출처 : 브띠끄 M 호텔 블로그

Today [10/29] at 1 there was a MV filming at the entrance of Boutique M Hotel. We saw the 5 members from DBSK, U-know Yunho, Xiah Junsu, Micky Yoochun, Choikang Changmin, Youngwoong Jaejoong, shooting a cool film and it looks great.

Thank you for the autographs..and the song 'wrong number' is really good.

All the cool dancing took place here:


isn't it cool?

here, the 5 members, backup dancers, and 5-60 staffs worked hard till 6 and we realized how hard it is to make a MV thats just a few minutes.

DBSK fans who came from far places in taxis came to visit them during their MV shooting.

They've done great job working all night ^^

Credit: dnbn + kelly0092@soompi + Helen + dreammssxx@soompi + + jasm12341995@DBJR

*going back to studies... For those who miss talking to me online... I MISS TALKING TO YOU TOOO!!! T_T [Mainly cause I'm bored.]*

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