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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I feel like an idiot.

I feel like a GIGANTIC idiot! I cannot believe that both Tiffany AND Jessica of So Nyuh Shi Dae WAS ACTUALLY BORN IN THE US!! I actually slapped myself when I read that! I have no idea why though! I don't even have the slightest idea why I currently hate myself! LMAO! I'm like, OMO! Haiz... At least I finally found out about SNSD! OK. So this is what I found out. SNSD as everybody knows consists of 9 girls. But what I didn't know was their names, Taeyeon, Tiffany, YoonA, Jessica, Sunny, Sooyoung, Seohyun, Yuri, and Hyeoyun. SNSD was born last year! Now THAT was really surprising! I thought they would be older... lol! OK. So, their age range is 16-19!! I thought they were older! LOL! No offense to SNSD fans. I didn't know a single thing. haha! Now, Epik High, I didn't know that Tablo was in there! Well, Rose has been telling me over and over but I just coudn't believe it! So, Epik High consists of 3 guys, Tablo, Mithra Jin, and DJ Tukutz[this is so hard to pronounce...] Born, 2003. They are this hip hop band... And, well, there isn't much about them. haha! Finally, SHINee! debuted just 2 days from today[LMAO!!], 5-member-boy-band, Onew, Jonghyun, Taemin, Minho and Key! I feel like going up to Taemin and just kissing him on the cheek! That guy is SO YOUNG! And he dances! I seem to have a soft spot for dancing guys[eg. Yunho!!] What's more, his birthday is so near mine!! Walao, I feel like asking him to be my boyfriend! Mianhae Yunho oppa! So, they have already released an album, 누난 너무 예뻐 Mini Album and I so feel like grabbing it! I hope it's on sale here!Click here for....The official SHINee site They actually have English!! BO YEAH!

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