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Monday, December 29, 2008

Wrapping Up 2008

Q.2008年を一言でいうと、どんな年でしたか?(Q.2008년을 한마디로 하면, 어떤 해였습니까?)
(Q.Describe 2008 in one word, how was it?)

ジュンス:目標を全部達成した1年 (준수:목표를 전부 달성한 1년)
Junsu:A year of achievement.

ジェジュン:記録の一年 (재중:기록의 1년)
Jaejoong:A year of records

Changmin: Activities!

Q.2008年で一番思い出に残っているのは何ですか?(Q.2008년에 제일 추억에 남아 있는 것은 무엇입니까?)
(Q.Greatest memory of 2008?)

ジュンス:アリーナツアー (준수:아레나 투어)
Junsu: Arena Tour

ジェジュン:初のアリーナツアー (재중:첫 아레나 투어)
Jaejoong: First Arena Tour

チャンミン:初のアリーナツアー (창민:첫 아레나 투어)
Changmin: First Arena Tour

Q.2008年一番幸せだなあと感じたのはいつですか?(Q.2008년 제일 행복하다 나머지 느낀 것은 언제입니까?)
(Q.When you felt happiest in 2008?)

ジュンス:呪文で日本と韓国で1位をとったとき (준수:주문으로 일본과 한국에서 1위를 취했을 때)
Junsu: When MIROTIC reached #1 in Japan and Korea

ジェジュン:オリコン1位をとったとき (재중:오리콘 1위를 취했을 때)
Jaejoong: Reaching #1 on Oricon chart

チャンミン:これは2008年だけのことではないのですが、やはりステージの上で歌っているときに幸せだなと感じますね。(창민:이것은 2008년만의 것은 아닙니다만, 역시 스테이지 위에서 노래하고 있을 때 행복하다라고 느끼는군요.)
Changmin: This isn’t necessarily 2008, but I feel happiness whenever I am up on stage singing.

Q.2008年一番辛かったなあ~と感じたのはいつですか?(Q.2008년 제일 괴로웠다 나머지 느낀 것은 언제입니까?)
(Q.Time you were most frustrated/felt like you were suffering/annoyed/etc. in 2008?)

ジュンス:年末 韓国と日本を行ったり来たりして、ちょっと大変でした (준수:연말 한국과 일본을 왔다 갔다 하고, 조금 큰 일이었습니다)
Junsu: Flying back and forth from Japan to Korea at the end of the year, it was kind of hard

ジェジュン:辛いと感じたときはないですね^^ (재중:괴롭다고 느꼈을 때는 없네요^^)
Jaejoong: There wasn’t a time when I was suffering/frustrated^^

チャンミン:年末ですね。スケジュールが忙しいのはすごく嬉しかったのですが、やはり移動など多くて体力的にちょっと大変でした。(창민:연말이군요.스케줄이 바쁜 것은 몹시 기뻤습니다만, 역시 이동 등이 많아서 체력적으로 조금 큰 일이었습니다.)
Changmin: It’s already the end of year.I was happy that our schedules were busy, but because there were traveling/moving around so much, we had to keep healthy.

Q.2008年やりたかったけど、できなかったことは何ですか?(Q.2008년 하고 싶었지만, 할 수 없었던 것은 무엇입니까?)
(Q.What is something you wanted to do in 2008 but didn’t get a chance to?)

ジュンス:やりたかったことは全部やりました (준수:하고 싶었던 것은 전부 했습니다)
Junsu: I did everything I wanted to

ジェジュン:休みがあれば旅に出たいなと思っていたんですけど…T_T (재중:휴일이 있으면 여행을 떠나고 싶다고 생각했습니다만…T_T)
Jaejoong: If we had had a break, I wanted to travel/vacation somewhere…T_T

チャンミン:水泳を本格的に習ってみたいです。(창민:수영을 본격적으로 배워 보고 싶습니다.)
Changmin: I really want to learn how to swim.

Q.2008年一番充実していたオフの日の過ごし方を教えてください!(Q.2008년 제일 충실한 쉬는 날의 생활 방법을 가르쳐 주세요!)
(Q.Tell us what you did when you weren’t busy in 2008!)

ジュンス:昔よく行っていたレストランがあるんですけど、5年ぶりに家族全員で行って、食事しながら久々に色々話もできました。(준수:옛날 자주 가고 있던 레스토랑이 있습니다만, 5년만에 가족 전원이 가서, 식사하면서 오래간만에 여러가지이야기도 할 수 있었습니다.)
Junsu: There was a restaurant I frequented long ago, and for the first time in five years, I was able to meet with all my family to eat and talk. [TN: such an awkward translations...T_T apologies!]

ジェジュン:普段はあまり時間がないので、オフの日には曲を作ります。(재중:평상시는 별로 시간이 없기 때문에, 쉬는 날에는 곡을 만듭니다.)
Jaejoong:There isn’t much time when we’re not busy, so I compose whenever there is a break.

チャンミン:友達と久々に山登りに行ったんですけど、とても気持ち良かったです。(창민:친구와 오래간만에 등산하러 갔습니다만, 매우 기분 좋았습니다.)
Changmin:I was able to go up to the mountains with friends, it felt good.

Q.2008年一番使っちゃったなぁという言葉を教えてください!(Q.2008년 제일 사용해 버렸다라는 말을 가르쳐 주세요!)
Q.Words/phrase you used most in 2008!


Jaejoong:『Thank you.』

Changmin: 『Well~』 [TN: I don't really know how I should translate this......]

Q.最後に2009年の目標を教えてください!(Q.마지막으로 2009년의 목표를 가르쳐 주세요!)
Q.Tell us your goal for 2009!

ジュンス:ドームで東方神起単独でliveをやりたいです。(준수:돔에서 동방신기 단독으로 live를 하고 싶습니다.)
Junsu:I would like to a live performance of solely DBSK at the dome.

ジェジュン:皆さんに、「この曲、本当にいいね」と言っていただけるような曲を作りたいです。(재중:여러분에게, 「이 곡, 정말로 좋네」라고 말하실 수 있는 곡을 만들고 싶습니다)
Jaejoong: I would like to create a song in which people say, “Oh this is a really good song.”

チャンミン:止まらずに自分のことを成長させたいです。(창민:멈추지 않고 자신을 성장시키고 싶습니다.)
Changmin: I would like to grow myself nonstop.

source DNBN + iscreamshinki
trans + cred dbskkorean@wordpress

LOLS. JAE!! You can come here for a vacation!!! It's cheap, It's good, aaaand, I'M HERE!! [And Xietin, Yihua, Hui Wen, etc. Next door neighboor theres Jasmine [SG]. XD] Changminniiieee~ I can swiiiiiiiim!! I TAKE SWIMMING LESSONS EVERY SAT!!! Come here with your hyungs and I'll teach euu~ BUAHAHHAHA. XD

New Album?
Click for more
Single (3/11)

Title: Undecided

CD 1,050 yen
CD + DVD 1,890 yen

Album (3/18)

Title: Undecided

CD 2,800 yen
2CD 3,500 yen
2CD + DVD 5,040 yen

credit: multiraymonia + + squeaky @ + iscreamshinki

cool. but, will they leave Korea once again? ... I'm seriously getting sick of not seeing them on KBS anymore. I wanna see them in SGB!! T_T. Oppa, either stay in Korea for a little while longer or, COME HERE!! XD


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